Thursday, May 14, 2015

Korean War and current U.S. relations with North Korea

Drew Ferrara
North Korea and America

            In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and America. And God said, “Let there be SEC football”. The majority of humans, like myself, believe that America is the greatest country of all time and invincible to any other inferior nation. Not only is America tough and intimidating, but it is also kind and guarantees each citizen personal freedoms. However, there is one group of people who, no matter how awesome America gets, still despise us and that is the cruddy North Koreans. Since the 1950s North Korea and the United States have steadily resented one another. America is the enemy in the eyes of almost every Korean citizen. Even though we have amazing things like football, Chick Fil A, and trucks, the North Koreans still do not thing we are cool enough to be their friends. The North Koreans have been at odds with the United States since the Korean War, in the fifties, and have continued to hate us up to this day due to multiple generations of North Koreans who were brainwashed when they were a kid.
            During the 1940s, before America was involved, Korea had a civil war. North and South Korea were formed, having a communistic dictatorship in the North and a democratic form of government in the South. The Korean peninsula was divided, into the two separate nations, along the 38th parallel. In the North, Kim Il Sung established a communist government called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which is ironic because it was never democratic or for/belonging to the people. In the South, roll tide, a man by the name of Syngman Rhee was elected as leader of the new Republic of Korea (ROK). North Korea was supported by the Soviet Union who was attempting to spread communism to the entire peninsula of Korea. However, South Korea stood its ground with the assistance of America and the United Nations. America became initially involved in the Korean conflict due to the Soviets attempt to spread communism. America came to the rescue because we centered our foreign policy on containing communism and eliminating its spread to places such as South Korea.
The Soviets and the United States agreed on the 38th parallel as the boundary of the two nations. Every now and then, both North and South Korea would cross the boundary and small fights would break out but nothing big enough to trigger a full on war. Then on June 25, 1950, the DPRK forces of North Korea crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea in order to try and unify or control the entire peninsula. North Korea quickly pushed its way into the South and took control of the majority of the peninsula. The ROK army of South Korea was cornered into the area surrounding Pusan. Due to these actions, the United States insisted on a meeting of the United Nations Security Council. The Soviets had no representation in the United Nations (UN), because they were boycotting it, allowing the UN to pass a resolution characterizing the Soviet Union’s actions as a “breach of peace”. To America, the invasion justified the idea that communists are constantly trying to spread communism in any way possible. In response to North Korea’s attack, the UN formed an army which was comprised of soldiers from fifteen different countries. The army was composed of soldiers from multiple nations in order to prohibit communism from expanding outside Korea.
General Douglas A. MacArthur and the UN army were able to defeat the DPRK forces and recover captured South Korean territories such as Seoul. The UN forces quickly pushed the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel with ease. Then, however, the United States and UN officials thought, since it was easy to push North Korea back to the 38th parallel, why not continue pushing them back until they are forced out of Korea? America and the UN leaders were not concerned about the Soviet Union or China because the U.S. did not expect them to resist the UN troop’s advances. The United States and UN forces were approved to continue pushing the North Koreans back. In a short amount of time, UN troops forced DPRK forces back as far as the Yalu River, which is the border between North Korea and China. The Chinese officials felt threatened by the UN troops advancing so close to their border so they ordered Chinese troops to enter North Korea and halt the UN forces. The United States and UN were not prepared for the magnitude and determination of the Chinese troops, which rapidly pushed U.S. and UN forces back behind the 38th parallel. These actions of advancing then retreating were repeated among both sides, which eventually led to a stalemate. Officials from all the groups began to examine possibilities for peace. They agreed to keep the 38th parallel as the border between North and South Korea.
After the war was over, which it never really was because we are right back where we started, Americans did not celebrate like at the end of other wars, such as WWII, which greatly impacted everyone in America. Since the Korean War occurred right after WWII and had less of an effect on American citizens, it was often not thought about or forgotten. Americans were still celebrating success in WWII and savoring the peace at mind they had because they no longer had to participate in the hectic industrialization brought forth by WWII. This is why Americans often did not care about the Korean War, allowing it to receive its nickname the “forgotten war” due to the lack of interest felt by Americans who were exhausted by WWII.
As time went on, the United States did not improve relations with North Korea. Instead, North Korea held a grudge on America and continued to view them as the enemy. Not only did the government and war veterans continue to view the U.S. as the enemy, but also kids were being taught that America was evil at a very young age. In schools and all throughout society the word “bastard” is often used when describing Americans. During recess at schools, kids entertain themselves by pretending to shoot and kill dummies made to look like American soldiers. This is a game to the kids, who do not see it as unmoral because they were taught that hating Americans is normal. Kids, for many generations, have been brainwashed into believing that the United States is a horrid place. This idea of brainwashing young kids can be seen when Mackenzie Liss, from Pen State University, states “Children are taught dance, history, and sing patriotic songs. But the secret message being taught at such a young age is that the United States is constantly trying to bomb and threaten North Korea”. This shows that the teachers and government of North Korea is providing false information about America to young children in order to persuade them into believing that the U.S. is evil. Even though, after the war, we stopped attacking North Korea and have not done anything against them, they continue to brainwash their offspring and convince them to feel the same hatred they felt against America in the fifties. Therefore, since the majority of North Koreans are being brainwashed into despising America then their future generations will also be brainwashed because each generation will pass their hatred for America down to their offspring. This means that, if nothing is done, North Koreans will forever believe that the United States is the sworn enemy.
            When I was researching and learning about current difficulties between America and North Korea I was surprised to learn so much about how North Korea brainwashed and force-fed kids deceiving information persuading them to hate America. I knew that North Korea was very manipulative and lied to its citizens but I did not know that they started at such a young age. When I learned this, I caused me to change my focus. At first I was going to talk about how, currently, North Korea threatened America for the movie The Interview, which depicted misleading information and the assassination of Kim Jong Un who is the supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. After I learned about the mind-controlling teachers and schools, I decided not to talk about North Korea’s reaction about the movie because there was no real evidence showing that North Korea even hacked Sony, and I decided to focus on the true reasoning for why North Korea hates the U.S. and that is because of brainwashing. While researching I found the Office of the Historian to be extremely useful and is where I attained the majority of my information about the Korean War. And overall, I was drawn to this topic simply because I was not thee during class and I was assigned this topic, but it was very interesting and I learned a lot of new information.


·         This is an extremely credible source because it contains information from President Harry S. Truman who was President during the War. It has some of Truman’s writings attached to the page. I used this source to learn more about how America got involved in the Korean War. Since some information was from Truman himself, it allows this source to be a primary source.
·         I used this site to obtain general information on why the Korean War was called the “forgotten war” and did not use this source much in my paper.
·         This was, by far, my most useful and credible source. I used this source to form the majority of my paper. This site is run by the State Department in the Government; therefore it has extremely accurate information and is not some post on Wikipedia.
·         This site was very useful and is the source of the majority of my information about the brainwashing of North Korean kids. Also, this site is from a university, therefore it is very credible.
·         This site is very credible because it is also from the U.S. Department of State but it is recent information about relations with North Korea and is on a different website than my other Department of State source.

·         I did not use this source in my paper because I did not end up talking about the Sony hacks due to the length of my paper and the lack of for sure evidence that it was North Korea. This site talks about how Sony was hacked and threatened for the making of the movie The Interview.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Cinderella Man Essay

Drew Ferrara
Cinderella Man Essay

                The 1930s was a time filled with great poverty and struggle. A large sum of people in the United States lost a huge portion, if not all, of their money and assets during this time, allowing it to become known as the Great Depression. The number of citizens who were without a job and money to buy the basic necessities was unimaginable. The majority of the families characterized as the working-class had to apply for government relief in order to not starve to death. One can obtain a sense of understanding of the struggles experienced in the Great Depression by watching Cinderella Man, where James J. Braddock shows extreme perseverance in order to support his family.
                In the beginning, it shows Braddock’s life before the depression, which seems luxurious and worry-free. Then as the time passes, Braddock’s life transforms from being satisfying into a life filled with constant worrying and adversity. This aspect of the movie shows the extreme change felt by families who were doing well before the depression and barely getting by only a few years later. This shows how the depression hit America at such a quick rate. As the story continues, Braddock is seen standing behind the locked gates of the docks, where he is trying to get a job. This exemplifies the 15 million Americans who were unemployed in the early 1930s, who often had to get up early every morning to try and obtain a one-day job, such as Braddock did at the docks. Large groups of men would often crowd the gates, waiting to be chosen, however, only five or six would ever be chosen. Therefore, the movie accurately portrays the struggles people encountered when trying to get a job. The dozens or even a hundred men who were not chosen causes the viewer to question how they survive with no money. As shown in the movie, such as when Braddock cannot get a job, many people had to apply to get government relief, a program which was set up by Franklin Roosevelt to help people survive the difficult times of the Great Depression.
                Another major struggle for people alive during the Great Depression was that they often had to send off their kids to relatives because they could not afford to take care of them. This is accurately seen in the movie when Braddock comes home to find that his children’s beds are empty because his wife sent them away. As seen in the movie, this was extremely difficult for parents because, first, they were without their kids and, second, it showed that they had failed their family and not been able to support and take care of them. This often made people very depressed to the extent that they often gave up on trying. This can be seen in the movie in the character known as Mike, not because he lost his kids but due to the stress of the depression in general. Due to the depression, Mike begins to drink and gamble to such an extent that he almost hits his wife in front of a bunch of kids and parents. This shows that Mike, like a lot of people, was trying to get over the depression by drinking away his sorrows and not pushing to get a job or make money any way he could.

                In general, the average person can see the common difficulties felt by families in the 1930s by watching Cinderella Man. For instance, when the Braddock’s family is low on milk, the mother fills the remainder of the jar up with water to try and make the milk last longer. This shows that things we take for granted today, such as a small gallon of milk, were a uncommon luxury in the 1930s which a large amount of families could not afford. Also, like Braddock’s family in the movie, a lot of families were not able to pay the electric bill and thus had to have a fire in their house in order to stay warm and cook the little food they had. Because most families had little to no food, they would often steal food from their neighbors or stores, which Braddock scolds his son for doing because he does not want his son to cheat his way through life. Due to the striking similarities of the lifestyle seen in the movie and the lives of the actual people who suffered during the 1930s, I believe that Cinderella Man is an excellent movie to watch if you seek to learn about the Great Depression.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Birmingham Civil Rights Trip

I enjoyed the trip to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. I learned a lot and the museum was very interesting. One thing that really shocked me was when we were watching the film, The Children's March, at the portion of the video where they talked about the trial. This part of the video shocked me because I know the lawyer, Art Hanes, because he is the grandfather of my nextdoor neighbor and best friend since preschool, Jake Green. The reason it was REALLY shocking to me was because Jake is a pathological liar and I did not believe him when he told me that his grandfather was involved in the trials of the 16th Street Baptist Church Bomber and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. I guess for once he told the truth. While I was at the Civil Rights Institute I was surprised to learn that the children used fake names when they were interrogated in jail because if they used their real names, then their parents could get fired from their jobs.

Learning about Civil Rights is more interesting in a museum because they have a lot of pictures, videos, and artifacts which made it easier to visualize what it was like. This experience did not change my perspective, however, it did strengthen my view of how wrong it was that African Americans were treated like animals. I thought it was cool not only seeing the videos of what happened but also the places where they happened.

Never let Mason be the navigator.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Progressive Era Reesearch Essay

Drew Ferrara
History Research Essay
The Professionalization of Medicine
            From witch doctors and potions to specialized surgeons and technologically advanced equipment, the field of medicine has come a long way. In the past, an ordinary person could pose as a doctor and claim to cure people’s ailments with their ludicrous concoctions. In the past, doctors did not have such a high status and degree of training as they do today. Ordinary men could claim to be trained doctors because there was no required documentation or certification which said otherwise. Therefore, when anyone seeked medical assistance, they would have to trust doctors based on their word alone. This made it easy for amateurs to make money because they could sell counterfeit medicine to civilians. There was no solid way or form in which people could distinguish between a real physician, who strived to help others in need, and a commonplace man, who was trying to earn quick money at the expense of others. Tired of having their patients stolen and not treated properly, trained doctors wanted to banish amateurs from the medical world.
            Since there was no definite way to differentiate between a trained doctor and an imposter, it was often difficult to decide if someone was qualified and skilled enough to be considered a professional physician. To create a guideline and criteria for doctors to be judged, a group of two hundred and fifty trusted physicians formed the American Medical Association, otherwise known as AMA, in 1847. The American Medical Association was comprised of successful and honorable physicians who strived "To promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health"(American Medical Association).The members of the American Medical Association decided that there should be a set of rules and requirements for training in order to be considered a professional doctor. Therefore, at the AMA's introductory meeting , the members created the Code of Medical Ethics, the first document stating the criteria or requirements for medical training and learning. The AMA's Code of Medical Ethics defines the importance of medicine and puts forth rules and standards in which physicians must uphold and follow with utmost respect. The code also proclaims that the medical profession has the power to be self-regulated. The American Medical Association has retained many of its original canons from the Code of Medical Ethics, however, the list is ever growing and evolving due to the advances and changes in medicine which still occur to this day.

a.       Paul Starr
                                                               i.      “He is a professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at the Sociology Department, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, where he holds the Stuart Chair in Communications and Public Affairs.”
                                                             ii.      He “served as a senior health policy advisor in the White House in 1993.”
a.       Ivan Waddington
a.       William C. Cockerham
a.       S.E.D. Shortt

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Questions About World War I

1. World War I began when a Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. THe two opposing sides during WWI were the Triple Alliance, composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, and the Triple Entente, composed of France, Russia, and Great Britain.
George Washington University.

2. The United States entered World War I on April 6, 1917 and joined allegiance with Britain, France, and Russia because the Lusitania was sunk, killing 128 Americans.
America's Library.

3. The war ended on November 11, 1918 when Germany finally surrendered and all nations signed the treaty of Versailles.

4. In the Treaty of Versailles there were 440 articles describing Germany's punishment, the most important being that Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war, Germany had to pay $33 billion, Germany was not allowed to have submarines, an air force, a navy more than 6 battleships, nor an army of more than 100,000 men. Germany also lost territory, which was given to France and Britain, The United States did not sign the Treaty of Versailles because they thought that the League of Nations would only draw them into more conflicts and wars in Europe. Also, the United STates did not sign the treaty because they felt like it was punishing Germany too much.

5. What gave America the ability to be so successful during World War I?

Casualty rate of countries involved in World War I.

Monday, January 26, 2015

How to analyse a political cartoon.

My way of analysing a political cartoon:
  • Read caption
  • find main focal point or conflict within the picture
  • note who drew the cartoon and what their view of politics is
Library of Congress tells how to analyse a political cartoon.
  • cartoonists use symbols to convey a larger concept.
  • cartoonists often label people or things within the cartoon.
The Library of Congress talks more about analysing the devices used by the cartoonists and not about the cartoonist in general as i expected.

Going forward, I will begin to look for things such as irony and symbolism within a political cartoon.

Political Cartoon from Stanford University displaying the Philippines as being an open door to America/Americans
In this cartoon, the man holding open the gate looks like uncle Sam and he is letting greedy americans come into the Philippines to take whatever they please. The open door to the Philippines is believed to help the US to achieve the open door in China too.

I know that the political cartoonist is trying to show how Americans thought that they had free access to the Philippines because he/she is drawing an American icon holding the gate open and waving Americans to enter.

America disciplining the Filipinos attempt to fight back. (found 1/3 of the way down on the website) 
In this political cartoon, Uncle Sam is scolding Little Aguinaldo and not allowing him to fight back. This is similar to how the US did not let the Filipinos fight back to reclaim their independence. Also, the cartoonist depicts Spain in the background eavesdropping on their conversation and looking very dumb, which describes Spain as being dumb and unable to reclaim the Philippines.

I imagined that idea, by looking at this cartoon, because the Artist draws Uncle Sam to represent America and he is pointing at the rocks below the Filipino and telling him not to throw them, which represents the Filipinos' want to gain their independence.

Political cartoon which happened to be from Reeds blog.

In this political cartoon, Uncle Sam is acting like he is about to spank and punish the Filipino for acting out against the US. Also, there is $20 million in Uncle Sam's hat, which is how much the US paid for the Philippines.