Sunday, September 14, 2014

Film Essay

Drew Ferrara
Film Essay

                Watching movies is a beloved pastime for people all across the globe. There is a wide variety of different genres and styles of movies, which can compliment ones personality. Whether you enjoy documentaries or comedies, there are thousands of movies to choose from. I, and I’m sure I’m not the only one, enjoy movies because it allows me to obtain a mass amount of information or entertainment without having to perform research to find what I’m looking for. The two very graphic movies that our class watched were 12 Years a Slave and Glory, which allowed the audience to understand and empathize with slaves by allowing the audience to experience the life of a slave by showing vivid examples of the hardships in which slaves went through.
                The first movie watched by our class was Glory, which portrayed the 54th Regiment and their desire to win their freedom. In the movie, the members of the 54th Regiment, consisting of mostly runaway slaves, went through intense physical training and often were abused by the white superior officers, but they still persevered in order to reach freedom after many years of neglect. Even though the war is long over and segregation among races is almost vanished, I still learn from this movie that the slaves were people too and not property, and were willing to be tortured and even killed in order to obtain equality. The second movie we watched was 12 Years a Slave, which is an adaptation of an autobiography written by the main character, Solomon Northup. This graphic movie allowed me to fully understand the terrifying circumstances and events in which African Americans went through. Solomon, who was one of many free African Americans who were kidnapped, tortured and eventually forced into slavery. The filmmaker’s objective of this movie was to captivate the audience and show them how African Americans were treated like dogs, being swept of the street and sold even if they were free or belonged to another plantation. Since this movie is based on true first person experiences, it allowed me to experience, not only read about, mistreating of human beings for no acceptable reason.

                By watching both of these movies, the audience is able to develop an understanding of the actual events and situations that the slaves went through. As well as being very informative and life changing, this movie was also very enjoyable and allowed me to learn and feel empathy for the slaves, while also being entertaining.

Sources, Film Research – Glory & 12 Years a Slave